MARK JANSEN's Pre-EPICA Band AFTER FOREVER To Reunite For Special 25th-Anniversary Concert

October 23, 2024

Mark Jansen's pre-EPICA band AFTER FOREVER will reunite for a special 25th-anniversary concert on October 4, 2025 at 013 Poppodium in Tilburg, Netherlands.

Earlier today (Wednesday, October 23),Jansen released the following message via his social media: "Dear AFTER FOREVER fans,

"2025 marks a monumental milestone: 25 years since AFTER FOREVER left a timeless footprint on the world of symphonic metal with their debut album 'Prison Of Desire'. Its 2001 successor, 'Decipher', pushed their music even further, fusing progressive elements with a heavier sound that helped shape the symphonic metal of today. These two releases marked the start of a wonderful journey — one that took the band to international stages and into the hearts of fans all over the world.

"After five successful albums, the sextet's journey came to an end in 2009. Despite that, their music has lived on, continuing to inspire the next generations of musicians and fans alike. With a loyal following, still passionate about the band's musical legacy, the time has come to bring back to life — and to the stage — the music from these two records that started it all.

"Even though AFTER FOREVER is a closed chapter for the group's original singer, Floor Jansen, members of the original lineup — Mark Jansen, Sander Gommans, Luuk van Gerven and André Borgman — have joined forces with vocalist Angel Wolf-Black (SHEWOLF),guitarist Bas Maas (AFTER FOREVER, DORO),and keyboardist Jeffrey Revet (STREAM OF PASSION) to honour and celebrate the band's cherished music and its lasting impact, in an unforgettable live experience.

"Join us as we revisit old hits, revive the energy, and celebrate the legacy of AFTER FOREVER!

"Feel free to let us know which songs you'd like to hear:)".

In a 2018 interview with FaceCulture, Floor Jansen, who has been a member of NIGHTWISH for more than a decade, stated about AFTER FOREVER: "I think it was a very special time. We made great music, which ended way too fast. I'm still sad that it was not able to continue, but I think it was amazing what we did with our young years and, yeah, I'm still extremely proud of what we made and still listen to the music with great joy and memories."

Asked whether she thought AFTER FOREVER could have accomplished more, Floor said: "Yes, I do. I was not too pleased with stopping. I did not think it was a good idea. I think there was [more to do]."

AFTER FOREVER's latest, self-titled album was released in April 2007 via Nuclear Blast Records.


Dear After Forever fans,

2025 marks a monumental milestone: 25 years since After Forever left a timeless...

Posted by Mark Jansen on Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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